Tuesday, January 8, 2008

History in the making...

Today was particularly thrilling for me. I voted in the NH Primary. In years past, I can honestly say I never took the primary seriously. Then again, I don't think my priorities were the same. Now, I am concerned for the welfare of our country as are many other NH residents. The woman who helped me register said that this was the largest turn out since the last election. How exciting it was to see first time voters or the elderly woman handing out ballots to voters. Oh the sites she must have seen. Children could even participate in Kids Voting, a national organization that educates kids about voting in America. The energy I felt really made me proud to be a part of something bigger than myself. It made me think about others from non-democratic societies who do not have this gift. A gift to choose a leader who will do what is best for the greater good. Think about it this way, your vote is your choice and it counts....democrat, republican, independent or Mickey Mouse...your gift as an American!! Whatever the outcome, you will be a part of history.

Thanks to those who have viewed thus far. I am making progress. I posted a picture. Also, anyone can leave a comment. You do not need a Google account. Sorry about that!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Great post Lynn!! So true! Have a great day!