For those of you who don't know, my maiden name is Monk.'s a play on words right? Yup, but it does not end there. My sister-in-law is Lynne (crazy...yeah we know). Well, we have dream to start a business together one day. What will it be??? Who knows? I call her my "secret square" when someone wants a bulk purchase of notecards, favors, invitations what have you...she helps me assemble and/or work on a design. So, we wanted a name that reflects both of us. We are forever searching for new ideas, product, or whatever makes us smile. Her husband (my baby brother) and I had variations of nicknames growing up, Monk, Monkey, Monker and even Monchhichi (a couple boys from school called me that...w/Limberger at the beginning...not very attractive I know...I think they liked me). Why not keep up the trend?
Photo: Brett, and his 3 little "Monk-eys"
Coming soon...Valentine's Day Kit and my craft room makeover (I so don't want to take before scared right now.)
Cute picture. Can't wait to see your craft room!!!
Just wait until you see what I've got coming your way for Valentine's Day...hope you like it! Like the picture of your brother...but we want to see more pic's of you!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope you'll come by again soon. :)
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